Donate to Collins

2025 is our 45th year serving our community! We will persist in offering shelter to children (birth-21), intensify our efforts to strengthen families through the introduction of a new community-based counseling service, and enhance the stability of our community by extending support to those who have experienced life in foster care or group homes.

  • Your monthly gift of $50 covers a week of meals every month for one child 

  • Your one time of gift of $250 provides seasonal clothing for one child

  • Your yearly gift of $1000 provides a year of clothing for one child

  • Your yearly gift of $2600 covers an entire year of meals for one child

  • Your yearly gift of $3000 allows us to plan for future programs and services

  • Your estate gift or gift of stock will leave a legacy around the table for years to come!

I came that they may have life and have it to the fullest.

John 10:10b