His First Bike

Imagine the thrill of your first bike ride! The open road ahead, the wind rustling in your hair, the sense of achievement and camaraderie as you join your friends. From my office at Collins Home, I witness our children experiencing these joys as they ride their bikes and play after school. You can hear the cheers and screams of excitement as they race up and down our campus. These outdoor activities, so integral to childhood, form a significant and cherished part of our culture at Collins Home.  

When a six-year-old boy joined our family at Collins Home Family Ministries in late October, he had a simple dream - to ride a bike. Despite the challenges, his determination never wavered. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, he received a bike with training wheels for Christmas. The beaming face of that little man on Christmas morning to see a brand-new bike, and even more excitement to see the training wheels because he knew he would finally learn to ride. Just a few weeks later, he's already riding without those training wheels! His joy and triumph are a testament to the impact of your contributions.   

Children come to Collins Home Family Ministries for a variety of reasons: homelessness, parental neglect, behavioral issues, failed adoptions, or failed kinship placements. While none of these children would have chosen a path to Collins Home, we are determined to make the most of their time here. Our deepest hope is that the life skills children learn here will catalyze confidence, leading them toward future success.  

Our work goes beyond a warm bed and a hot meal because we, even if for just a moment in time, become family to the children we serve. The Bible reminds us that "what we do to the least of these" (Matt 25:40), we have also done to Christ. When you join us as a volunteer, financial partner, or prayer warrior, your gift resonates today and for future generations. Who knows, one day, the young man who learned to ride his bike at Collins Home may have children of his own who go on to accomplish even greater things.  

-Kelly Ross


Beginnings and Endings


One of his Favorite Things