Church Partnerships

Have you ever wondered how to respond to children, young adults, and families facing crisis? We have a way. We believe that the local church is the solution to the crisis of care in our community.

How Your Church Can Get Involved

Become a Church for Change

In 2025, we are asking fifty-two churches to commit to prayer and support for Collins Home for one week. There are two ways you can get involved: 

  1. Prayer. We all know that prayer changes everything! This is the most important way that your church can support Collins. During the specific week, we ask that you encourage your congregation to set aside time to pray for CFM. To assist with this, we provide daily prayer cards that offer specific prayers for each day of the week. 

  2. Churches for Change Campaign. In addition to prayer, your church can support Collins by placing change cans in your lobby for your congregation on the first Sunday of the prayer week. We will collect the cans the following week. The change collected will directly impact the lives of the children who live on campus at CFM.

If you’d like to learn more about Churches for Change and the available weeks for this year, please submit this short form or email Thank you!

We cannot provide shelter to children and young adults, strength to families, and stability to the community without the support and help of the local church.

Will your church prayerfully consider joining us in our mission?